Sunday, January 3, 2016

Friends and Family, Far and Near

We are so grateful for the friends and family we got to see over Christmas Break.  As we traversed the Midwest, back and forth and through the Chicagoland area, I thought, "Well, it could be worse" which, of course, indeed it could be!  Then, I thought to myself (not or the first time) that even though we moved only two hours away, it was still indeed a sacrifice.  We had to uproot everything as if we had moved overseas.

But the reality was that is was also a sacrifice for not only for us and the children that moved with us, but for the family and friends we left.  We miss those family and miss those friends! (We love our new ones, here in Elkhart, but miss the others, too.)

So, we are grateful for the visits we've made, visits made to us, and for technology, and all that comes with it, so we can continue to connect.  [Disclaimer - cyber baby snuggles are not the same.]

The Andersons

Haiti Update

John, Jean, and Anina with Emily Anderson, returned to Haiti from the end of November to the first week of December. Prayers were answered for the funds for the lab, and for Anina’s passport to arrive in time. Emily and Jean started off the week working in the health clinic to screen the school children.  This, then, led to screening of the staff. This year we were able to open clinic time to include the neighboring community as well.
John and Robenson begin set up.

John and Anina began to work right away at the lab and clinic. According to Robenson Gedeus, the field director of Kids Alive Haiti, we all were ministering with systems.  John was seeing to it that the new computer systems were set up and functioning well, and we ladies, ministered to the people’s health systems.
John was able to speak in chapel and during teaching times with the teachers and high schoolers, and was able to share the gospel during those times.  Jean was able to share a verse here and there as we ministered to people spiritually as well.
John, translated through John Pericles, leads a staff training on the computers we just set up.