Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Anderson Prayer Letter Christmas Edition

 A Voice in the Desert

[from SonSetSolutions.org]

This is an amazing photo of people living in very different circumstances! This is also a great image of working together in partnership.

Ben Manthi serves his country of Kenya with DIGUNA, a German ministry. They have assisted our Broadcast Solutions Team with radio projects on various occasions. Recently it was our turn to assist them. With Ben’s help, Radio Ashe Samburu went on the air in 2020 to reach the Ichamus, Samburu, and Massai peoples near southern Lake Turkana in Kenya. Ben’s heart for spreading the gospel, however, has extended much farther north to some of the remotest parts of his country.

Ben has been taking missions teams to the northeastern shores of Lake Turkana to the Daasanche people of Illeret for years. On one visit, Ben met with government

officials who expressed their dire need for a radio station from which they could communicate with the local people. Radio Ashe Samburu took up the challenge. However, getting a radio license so close to the Ethiopian border was not an easy task. Security threats in Illeret were also a major concern. Permission was eventually granted. In June of 2022, Radio Ashe Illeret went on the air. Government officials, Bible translators, NGOs, pastors and the community from as far away as the Ethiopian border gathered for the dedication.

In addition to coverage maps and the FM transmitter, SonSet Solutions was approached with another need – SonSet® radios. Ben learned that the Daasanache don’t own radios because they have never had a radio station to listen to before. He was asked to bring some solar radios for them. We are answering this request from the community by sending 720 solar radios, funded through our Delivering God’s Word campaign.

Ben is guided by Romans 15:21, “… but as it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.’”  Bringing God’s Word to those who need to hear, is our passion too.

New Unabridged* 2022 Dictionary
Fully Revised and Updated

A·bel (ā′bəl),(stɪŋ’ kər), n. 1. Energetic two-year-old who can be loud 2. Loves animals 3. Continues to be a ginger.

A·ni·na (ə·nē·nə) and Ty·​ler (tī·lər), n. 1. Love local businesses and coffee shops 2. Celebrated four years of marriage 3. Live locally, and we enjoy their company often.

ba·​by (bā-bē), n. 1. An extremely young child 2. That David and Dominique are expecting 3. Who is due March 11, 2023.

(dā·vəd) and Dom·​i·​nique (dä·mə·nēk), n. 1. Celebrated one year of marriage 2. Are both busy getting ready for baby 3. Currently have seven dogs: Louie, China, and their five puppies.

(e·lə·nər), (prin ses), n. 1. Loves gymnastics 2. Loves having us spend the night 3. Super artsy and creative.

Eliz·​a·​beth (i·ˈli·zə·bəth) and Pe·​ter (pē·tər), n. 1. Busy, hardworking parents of three 2. Elizabeth homeschools Micah and Eleanor, but Pete and Elizabeth, both, provide full and enriching activities and field trips on which the kids all thrive on 3. Are Abel’s favorite people.

Fif·ty Club (fif-tē kləb), n. 1. Not an age club but a club that John joined this fall 2. that Jean is not qualified to join 3. Because Jean has not yet visited Idaho.

(jēn), n. 1. Continues to serve in Donations Services, Communications, and Community Health at SonSet Solutions, and grateful to serve and work in the McCoy Church office 2. Is a PoPo (maternal grandmother) now but will be a NginNgin (paternal grandmother) soon 3. Wishes to see Idaho.

John (jän), n. 1. Continues with multiple roles at SonSet Solutions 2. Continues with Jean to be a Young Adult Ministry leader at McCoy 3. Loves being a GengGeng (maternal grandfather) and looks forward to being a YehYeh (paternal grandfather).

(jay·ar), n. 1. Was promoted to Lead Zookeeper this year 2. Is a good cook AND bakes a mean homemade pumpkin roll 3. Has new experiences related to management and has hired several keepers for the Lee Richardson Zoo recently.

Mi·​cah (mī·kə), (sweet’ hɑrt) n. 1. Seven, soon-to-be eight-year-old, who is an avid reader way beyond his age 2. Loves ninja classes, games, and video games 3. Is a cheerful worker.

o·ver·joyed (ō vər joid), adj. 1. Feeling great joy or delight 2. How we feel when we think of the birth of our Savior, the blessings God has given us, of family and friends, health, and opportunities 3. and especially the knowledge of how much God loves and offers salvation to all.

Prince Ed·ward Is·land
(prin(t)s ed-wərd ī-lənd), n. 1. Vacation destination with beautiful shores and is the setting of Anne of Green Gables 2. Great seafood, especially oysters 3. Sheer beauty of God’s creation still shines after the damage from Hurricane Fiona.

Son·Set So·lu·tions (sən-ˌset sə-ˈlü-shənz), n. 1. John and Jean have served over twelve years in Elkhart 2. During the first three quarters of 2022, SonSet Solutions assisted 97 ministries in 49 countries via equipment, service, consultation, training, and partnership development.

We·wish·you·a·Mer·ry·Christ·mas (wē wish ū ə mer rē kris məs), phrase. 1. and a Happy New Year!

Monday, November 28, 2022

The BBR Model

The BBR Model

We praise the Lord for the successful trip for two of our coworkers who were in Tanzania to install four Solar Media Centers. This tool is so valuable for these small rural pastors (and their churches). 

​Assisting Unreached Peoples Mission (UPM), Mike Tapia and Bryan Jackson traveled to four churches in the Tanzanian bush. The ministry of Unreached Peoples Mission trains pastors that usually come from a bigger town, and then sends them out to plant churches among hard-to-reach tribes.

UPM sends them out with their BBR model, which stands for a “Bible”, a “Bicycle”, and a “Roof”. Each trained pastor gets a Bible, a bicycle in order to reach the hard-to-reach places, and then once they start planting a church, they get a roof so that the congregation has somewhere to meet.

​Pastor John is one of the pastors whose church received a Solar Media Center. His church in Mang’ola has no power and neither do any of the people in his village. The lights, the speakers, the cell phone charger, and the LightStream Pocket make a very big difference at his church. ​

Please pray with us as these rural pastors used these tools to expand their reach for the gospel.

Missions Conferences

​​We have been blessed to join in our churches' missions conferences, missions emphasis months, and other events that focus on worldwide missions. 

We have enjoyed demonstrating the Solar Media Center this year in several places. 

We are grateful for these opportunities and appreciate the blessing of meeting so many. Please pray that God will use these events to bring others to serve in missions.



Some Family News

JR is hoping to be able to come home for Christmas this year.

He's a zookeeper in remote Kansas, and we really miss him.

David and Dominique are expecting their first baby in March of 2023. "Children are a heritage from the Lord..." (Ps. 127:3)


Jean has a back up for her role in Donation Services! Ryan Smethers who recently began his service at SonSet Solutions is doing a terrific job. This made being away much easier. 

We praise the Lord for his constant provision and leading. He provides without us even asking sometimes!

We also praise Him for a wonderful getaway to New England and Prince Edward Island. We are grateful for the extra gifts some of you provided to make this happen.​


Please continue to pray for John's mother, Susan. Praise that she is back in their apartment, but she is recovering from a blood clot in her leg. 

Please pray that JR can come for Christmas.

Please pray that things would continue to go smoothly for David and Dominique with their first baby.

Please pray with us for the support we need to meet the required cost of living increase that will begin in January.



Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Solving Power Problems Worldwide

About 70% of radio transmitters fail because of bad power, which constitutes the majority of the transmitter repairs SonSet Solutions faces. The damaged transmitters can result in a station being off the air for weeks or months, crippling their outreach.

One such station is Radio Lumiere in Haiti.

​For over 40 years, they have frequently been taken off the air because of this kind of equipment failure. This is a challenge facing numerous ministries throughout the developing world.

Leon Amstutz (pictured above) spent years in Haiti developing a solution to this problem and, since joining SonSet Solutions in 2017, has worked with other engineers on the Power Solutions Team to refine the technology and make it work for the various types of power issues faced by different ministries. The result is what is now called the Power Protection Unit (PPU).

You can read more about this at sonsetsolutions.org/solving-power-problems​.

 More VBS Praise

​​We've had several churches in 2022 collect funds for SonSet Solutions through their Vacation Bible School programs. Funds raised go directly to distribute SonSet® radios and Solar Media Centers around the world. Praise God!

Next week, two staff members, Mike Tapia and Bryan Jackson, will travel to Tanzania to install four Solar Media Centers, funded from a VBS at a nearby church. We thank the Lord not only for His provision, but also that young people in churches can participate in world missions in a very direct way!

Ministry: God sees all!

"For God is not so unjust as to overlook your work and the love you have shown for His name in serving the saints..."   (Heb 6:10a ESV)

Ministry service is an amazing privilege. Every believer is called to a variety of roles in church, home, work, volunteer service, and of course in world missions. Ministry at times can have seasons of stress and drain - but it's also deeply satisfying, faith-building, and sanctifying.

No work is insignificant! The Lord can use the faithful person where they are right now. Formal education is not always required. Scripture simply indicates we need to have humility and a servant's heart. It doesn't need to be visible - the omnipresent, omniscient God sees all. And the reward is eternal!


The Smethers family has now raised full support and will very shortly be joining our staff in a very much needed role. Praise God!


Please continue to pray for John's mother Susan as she continues on a long road to recovery. God has been gracious!​



Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Two Special Guests

We had the pleasure of getting to know two special guests at SonSet Solutions. The first, Dr. Tim Gilmour (right), is a professor of electrical engineering and computer science. He spent his sabbatical with us and worked primarily on developing the next generation of our Power Quality Monitor. You can read more about him on our webpage: https://sonsetsolutions.org/a-sabbatical-with-purpose/

Our second visitor also came with a specific purpose: to get training that would enable him to pursue his long-term goal to serve in Asia-Pacific as a radio planter. Trevor Schwarze (below) completed his pre-field training at Mission Training International in Colorado earlier this month, and he has relocated to the Asia-Pacific region already. Trevor appreciates all he has learned during training here at SonSet Solutions. Trevor's story is also featured on our webpage:  https://sonsetsolutions.org/empowering-our-partners/.

VBS praise

We have had several churches collect funds for SonSet Solutions through their Vacation Bible School programs. Please praise the Lord with us that the gospel was shared to many children as well as for His provision for SonSet Solutions. The churches all surpassed their initial funding goals to provide generously for SonSet® radios or Solar Media Centers.​

Jean was also blessed to be able to serve at McCoy's Vacation Bible School. She taught first and second grades, and five children raised their hands to speak to a teacher/helper. Please pray for these five that God would continue to pour his word into their lives.

Family Updates

We hit some milestones this summer!

· We celebrated out 36th wedding anniversary. That just flew by.

· We celebrated John's 60th birthday!

· Congratulations to Johnny who just got promoted to Lead Animal Keeper and will be in charge of three animal areas of the zoo: two in Asia, and one comprised of North America and South America! In addition, but separately, he is was also named as the Institution Representative for black-footed ferrets.

· Congrats to David recently got a raise and is doing well at MarkNet Alliance.


We are thankful that John's mother, who was very sick and in the hospital this past week, is showing small signs of improvement. 

Jean is currently serving at Checkpoint Bible Camp this week as camp nurse.


Please continue to pray for John's mother, Susan and for her recovery.

Please pray for the ministry of Checkpoint Bible and for continued ministry this week.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Inside Glimpse: Machine Shop 

Inside Glimpse: Machine Shop

Yes, that's me!  This is a glimpse into our amazing machine shop at SonSet Solutions.  Here, talented staff design and craft many things that have great impact around the world, such as water monitor components and antennas. This helps us keep our technology cost low and also allows us to try many novel and creative approaches to providing solutions.

The men who work here are highly motivated daily to use their gifts and abilities to bring blessings to many worldwide -- both to advance the good news of Jesus and to provide for physical needs.  They love the Lord deeply and recognize the need to draw from Him what they need for fruitful, effective service.  Every morning before staff devotions (yes before) these men and I come together to pray and seek the Lord's guidance, provision and strength for the day ahead.

In the photo above, one of the men is teaching me the basics on how to use a machine to do some cutting – and it's more complicated than I thought!  It's a privilege to serve alongside these men and so many others at SonSet Solutions, who share the passion to advance the gospel worldwide!

Family: Rich Heritage 

Psalm 127:3 calls children not a burden but a heritage and 

reward.  The Lord gives these precious little lives to us as a gift.

It's a blessing from the Lord when He provides you a Godly mate.

Over time He may give you children. If so, you pray and He may graciously draw and save them. Then over time He may provide them with a Godly mate, and perhaps give them children as well.

We're in that grandparent stage and are deeply thankful for our children and grandchildren!

We are glad to be able to see most of our family on a fairly regular basis. We are sad that JR is a little too far away for some of these family events.



We have been encouraged by the good response to our printed and digital communication pieces. (Though since taking on the primary role in donation services, Jean is mostly just proofreading these pieces. However, she still enjoys being part of the process.)

We're continuing to be encouraged as we've seen so many people like you faithfully continue to partner alongside us in ministry. We love you, we pray for you, and we are deeply thankful for you. Together we're making an impact worldwide!


The worldwide chip shortage continues to cause major delays, particularly with our upcoming SonSet® radio with an audio Bible.

Please continue to ask the Lord to intervene for a breakthrough. There's a definite need!

There are several countries where we have partners that are enduring political and/or social unrest. Please join us in prayer for our partners who serve and minister in these places using our technologies. Pray for peace and that the message of hope would be clear to them. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

Reaching the Inaccessible


 Reaching the Inaccessible
“How will these refugees be reached with the gospel of peace and hope in Jesus Christ?” This was the question posed to our Broadcast Solutions Team by one of the leaders of ACROSS, a ministry based in South Sudan. He was not speaking of the 2.5 million refugees who had fled in 2013 when civil war broke out in the country. He was referring to the 1.5 million internally displaced people who stayed but sought shelter in some of the most isolated parts of their own homeland. Now residing in almost inaccessible regions, they find themselves outside the reach of Christian FM radio stations which cover the more populated cities in the country.

Engineers from SonSet Solutions worked with ACROSS to design and consult on the installation of a lower-power shortwave radio station using our regional 1kW TB-1000 transmitter and Lazy-8 antenna. These two technologies, when combined, give the station the ability to cover the entire country of South Sudan. Listeners are now hearing the gospel over the airwaves and interacting with the radio through social media platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp.

Jacob, a listener, says, “Good News Radio has become my friend. It is my dream to be listening to the Word of God every day and to receive this training. … I give thanks to God for Good News Radio!” Another listener, Joseph, responded, “I love listening to Good News Radio every time because it is showing me the way of God through the good news of Jesus Christ.”

In 2021, SonSet Solutions also sent 640 SonSet® radios to increase audience access to the station. This year we plan to send another 960 radios, all funded through our SonSet Radios: Delivering God’s Word campaign. Vince Ward from Good News Radio says, “This dream of saturating South Sudan with gospel-centered radio programming has become a reality. All glory to God!” We say, “Amen!”

Lansing Bible Church Area
The pastor at Lansing Bible Church was gone May 8 and May 15, and John was able to speak both Sundays. We were able to sandwich in some visits to supporters, and were really blessed by the time spent with them as well as worship with LBC the last two Sundays. We have been so amazed by how God moves our personal partnership team. We clearly see God moving people and are grateful as they respond--our shortages have been met several times before we even knew we had a shortage. Praise God and our faithful friends and family for this amazing evidence of provision.

We were blessed to be able to make Elizabeth and Pete's home a home base from which we would travel and meet everyone. It has been fun to have morning cuddles, celebrate Mother's Day simply, read bed time stories, talk to Abel, see Micah and Eleanor do school...the list goes on and on.


  1. Our needs are met before we even knew we had needs.
  2. For our two apprentices, who both started this last month


  1. A breakthrough on the chip shortage for our next generation SonSet® radio.
  2. Stamina and faithfulness - as ministry is stretching and growing us in good ways.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Our Two Apprentices are Here!

Praise God! Two Apprentices Just Joined Us
Bryan Jackson and Erick Johnson interned with us last summer and joined us in March as apprentices! Erick is serving in the Community Development Team as a software developer, and Bryan across SonSet Solutions in some key operational roles.​​ We've needed young people with these kinds of skillsets for some time, and are trusting the Lord for more! We also have the pleasure of hosting Erick as he serves here.

A Great 2022 Spiritual Retreat!

Our spiritual retreat was held at the end of March. We praise the Lord that we were able to take a day of spiritual refreshment focusing on our theme of “Investing for Eternity.” Pastor Phil Jerome from Prairieview Missionary Church was our guest speakerWe were also able to spend time in praise and worship led by Cody Collier from WFRN.

The challenge was good, and the fellowship was sweet. John is on the spiritual enrichment committee who planned this annual event. Many thanks to them! They also led us through some fun activities including a trivia game, logo knowledge quiz, and even a team, paper-airplane contest (Jean's design won!)

Delaware Bible Church (Ohio) Missions Conference

We were really pleased to be invited to participate in Delaware Bible Church's annual missions conference. We were able to share during one of the services, participate in a life group, have a part of the kids' program during the conference, and be able to sit on a panel during one of the sessions. Praise to God and thanks to Delaware for having us there! The fellowship was great, our hosts were great, and the church has the most willing children who volunteer easily.


  1. Our two apprentices Erick and Bryan began service this past month. We praise the Lord that they have reached 100% of their financial support.
  2. We praise the Lord for a good and busy time spent at Delaware Bible Church at the end of March.


  1. Please pray for two appointees who continue to build their support team.
  2. Ask the Lord for the ministry workers we need to fill key roles. "The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few...."
  3. As COVID-19 continues to fade, please ask the Lord to open many doors wide going forward for worldwide ministry.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Already Seeing Impact in Uganda

We appreciate the financial gifts and prayers of our partners for the gospel. We are excited when they want to partner with us on a deeper level! For example, sending a work team to serve alongside us at SonSet Solutions for a day is one way. 

One of our churches was thinking outside the box when they explored a possible collaboration between SonSet Solutions and their church to work with one of the other missionaries or mission organizations they support. They explored ways that SonSet could provide a solution for another missionary overseas they support to make a three-way partnership. 

Working with SonSet Solutions, they chose to enhance and further the ministry of a pastor and church planter in Iganga, Uganda by sending a Solar Media Center (SMC) from SonSet Solutions – providing a technology solution for Pastor Ronald of Liberty Transformation Church. 

Mike Tapia, our SonSet Solutions Power Team leader, traveled to Uganda in January and was able to install a SMC. There are several stories of God's provision during his trip there.  We praise the Lord for that on his trip there. The photo below shows Mike Tapia (far right) and Pastor Ronald is next to him. Pastor Ronald's wife is also pictured.

Though the church is located between two Muslim mosques, Pastor Ronald has seen growth in the church from five members in a house church situation to around 200 members.
Recently, we received communication from Pastor Ronald of the impacts that this Solar Media Center has already made. Here is a summary:

  1. They are able to watch the Jesus Film and other visual Bible stories on their mobile devices. People are able to sit at the church and watch these movies, and this has transformed the girls and boys who are being mentored to become ministers and servants of God.
  2. The loud speakers have allowed the church to penetrate the community, which is mostly Muslim. They play gospel music, sermons, and Bible reading audio right from the church's media room.
  3. Sunday school children are able to watch the story of Jesus and learn about Jesus this way.
  4. By using the solar power, the church's power consumption has been reduced to 50% of what it was.
  5. The solar power has allowed the church premises' lights to remain on continually. This was a problem in the past due to the power shortages and load sharing in Uganda.
In addition, Mike had this story to add: As Mike and three local men were installing the system, a young boy appeared at the door where Mike was working. Unable to speak English, the boy held out a smartphone. Sensing what the youngster wanted, Mike took the device from him and connected the boy to the SMC. Soon the boy was able stream the Jesus Film on the phone.

We praise the Lord for his work to bring this collaborative effort together. We give God the glory for this, as only He could put this all together! It is wonderful being part of one body in Christ.


  • Praise the Lord for our partners–we appreciate your prayers and deep giving. You are so faithful and are great reflections of God's faithfulness.
  • ​We praise the Lord for a good time with family as we celebrated Chinese New Year. We enjoyed favorite Chinese foods together as we remember those who have gone before us.


  • Please pray for Pastor Ronald and Liberty Transformation Church in Iganga, Uganda as they minister to their community on newer levels.
  • ​Two more SMC units are being installed in the Dominican Republic soon. Please pray for the pastors and ministries who will soon utilize the SMC to expand their reach