Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Solar Ministry Making an Impact!

Solar Ministry Toolkits (formerly Solar Media Centers) will be deployed soon to UkraineOur Power Solutions Team is building and testing 20 units for Slavic Gospel Association, who will send them to churches they work with there. Pray for the units to arrive in a timely fashion, as well as for the believers in Ukraine churches who will distribute these units, as they reach out to their neighbors.

Partnerships are a blessing! The Lord did an amazing work using Emmanuel Christian Reformed Church in Sauk Village, Illinois to connect ministries together. Going through Multiplication Network, they found a pastor in Uganda who could really benefit from our Solar Ministry Toolkit (SMT).

As we have reported previously, in January 2022, our coworker, Mike Tapia went to Iganga, Uganda to install a Solar Ministry Toolkit. Working with Emmanuel CRC, SonSet Solutions was connected with Pastor Ronald Kairye and Liberty Transformation Church of Iganga.

In December 2022, the Persenaire family, who work with the Uganda Orphanage Relief Fund, were traveling to visit Sarah's family in Iganga. They visited Liberty Transformation Church and were very impressed with Pastor Ronald's ministry in Iganga in a heavily Muslim area, as well as the use of our SMT installed there.

The ministries involved in Uganda were together on Sunday, February 19 at Emmanuel. In the picture, from left to right, we have Audrey Podlin (missions committee member of Emmanuel), Esther Miller (from Multiplication Network), John, Jean, Jon Persenaire, Paul Persenaire, Sarah Persenaire (Uganda Orphanage Relief Fund), and Nita Venhuizen (missions committee member of Emmanuel).  

Liberty Transformation Church stands faithfully in the midst of a largely Muslim community in Uganda. Pastor Ronald began with only five people. Today, more than 200 attend. Pastor Ronald’s heart for ministry spurs him to do things to create relationships with the community... See the full story on our website: https://sonsetsolutions.org/in-the-hands-of-a-child/.


  • For faithful ministry partners who have enabled us to serve twelve years now.
  • That the Solar Ministry Toolkit is having a great impact in churches worldwide.


  • ​Solar Ministry Toolkits — that they will bless many churches and believers in Ukraine and around the world.
  • Our son, David, and his wife Dominique are expecting their first baby March 11. Please pray for a healthy baby, for them to have an uneventful delivery, and their adjustment to being parents. Thank you.
  • That the Lord would give us opportunity this year to serve short-term overseas.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Busy New Year! - January 2023


January has been busy month so far! We started the new year off heading to Ohio! We were able to combine two things in one trip.

The first is to see a supporting church, where John spoke during the evening service (Cornerstone Bible Church in Xenia, Ohio).
We're grateful for the opportunity to meet those in fellowship there. We have been blessed to be able to join several churches this way, over the year.

The second is that we represented SonSet Solutions at Cedarville University's GO Conference. It is a blessing to be able to ​ interact with students who are missions minded, pray with them as they seek the Lord's will in their lives, and have them reach out to us during the year! The conference is such a good challenge to us all. We are also joyous as several Cedarville students responded to the gospel message and truly became believers and followers of Jesus!


The SonSet Solutions annual giving statements have gone out via email or the postal service! John and Jean prepared and printed the letters, and we had great help from our coworkers to get them out the door.

SonSet has been blessed with prayers and finances, and we were grateful to see God's provision this past year.

Some statistics are in!
  • During 2022, SonSet Solutions assisted 117 ministries in 50 countries via equipment, service, consultation, training, and partnership development.
  • We shipped 9,615 SonSet® radios to 15 countries during 2022. 
  • We receive data from over 1,200 SonSetLink® monitors located in 25 countries.
  • Our Solar Media Centers are also in great demand, and we have manufactured and installed more of these units than we ever have before!
We praise the Lord for the technology that continues to be used mightily to share the gospel through their use and for the ways they provide credibility and avenues for the gospel to be shared.

Zane Pratt, the keynote speaker at Cedarville's GO Conference, said this during the conference: If the Red Cross or the UN [United Nations] can do it, then it’s not missions.

​We agree.

  • We are so thankful for God's provision through you--your prayers and gifts are not unnoticed! 
  • We are thankful for those who have hosted us, had us over for a meal, and made us feel welcome in your homes and churches.
  • ​We are excited to see how the Lord will use SonSet Solutions with future technologies.​


​Solar Media Centers will be manufactured soon for shipment to Ukraine.  Please pray as our Power Solutions Team works on acquiring materials, as well as 
the manufacturing of them onsite, and the delivery of 20 units to Ukraine.

​We pray that these will be used mightily by our partner ministry to share the hope and good news of Jesus Christ soon.