Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

                    Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you, dear family and friends!

Thank you for praying with us and supporting us. Your prayers and gifts mean so much to us and we are grateful ministry continues despite COVID-19. During the first three quarters of 2020, SonSet Solutions assisted 139 ministries in 55 countries via equipment, service, consultation, training, and partnership development. We praise the Father for the creative ways He has provided to meet those ministry needs.


John: This time of year is busy for John, with normal year-end mission software to write and data to prepare and report -- and regular chaplain duties as well. This may seem "boring" but it's pretty essential to operations at Sonset Solutions. For many of us who work "normal" jobs, faithfulness for the believer is most often measured in more incremental and conventional ways, over time.

Jean Since springtime, it has been a busier task than Jean anticipated to keep up with the most recent briefings and updates and to make certain we are compliant with regulations.  As cases arise and affect our team at SonSet Solutions, and with some restructuring, she was recently made the Lead on our Safe Transition Task Force at SonSet Solutions. She is still growing into that role. Also, as part of the IT department, she is on the team to develop a new webpage.

SonSet Solutions: Please pray for our Community Development Team as they build, test, and ship 200+ SonSetLink™ water monitors, all before mid-December. Ask God to help them persevere, do quality work, and serve our partners in their gospel proclamation and clean water projects. This is time critical.


Romans 12:4-5
"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."

After seeing supporters and friends last year at this time, we began to plan for trip for May of this year – but COVID-19 didn't allow that to happen. So this month we embarked on a trip of many miles and went the opposite direction from a year ago. We appreciate all who took time out to meet with us, host us, worship with us, treat us to a meal, pray with us, and even join our support team.  It was wonderful, encouraging and refreshing to see these friends and family, most of whom we were not able to when we did our push to be fully funded around two years ago.  To be able to reacquaint and catch up with many we haven't seen in a long while was precious to us. We were very excited to also update everyone about SonSet Solutions and how the technology leads to an eternal impact.
Family Updates:
The holidays are a little up in the air with COVID-19. We know it is the same for all of you. We pray for wisdom for us all as we try to navigate the holidays this year.

Would you pray for us?
SonSet SolutionsPray for our 2020 Year-End Campaign, that the Lord would once again move in His faithful people to give generously to this ministry. (2) We very much need more staffing to fill key positions here at SonSet Solutions.
Andersons: We are grateful and praise the Lord for a terrific support team. We appreciate your prayers, your hospitality, and your sacrificial financial gifts. Thank you so much. (2) Please continue to pray for John's mother, who continues to have stomach pain – please pray for good nutrition for her as well as a clear treatment plan.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Ministry: John and Jean
Grateful for opportunities for others to see what SonSet Solutions does, Jean has been busy with extra duties on top of the usual IT, communications, and donation duties she has. There was great prepa ration for the Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference, a September  SnapShot event (our  informational event), and eight virtual career fairs held from the end of September through October. All these events introduced SonSet Solutions to many, many people, and we praise the Lord for the interactions we had and the friendships that developed. We are praying for students who are considering joining us for Spring Break at SonSet Solutions or for a summer internship.

This is a growing time for John. In addition to all he does currently as developer and chaplain, John is now member of the Data sub-team of the Community Development Team. He's working with ArcGIS mapping data to help improve our ministry partners' access and data capability. He's also learning the data and coding for systems that drive this. We're looking forward to better ways of helping our worldwide partners on five continents, as they provide both clean water and the "living water" of the gospel to many people groups who desperately need both.

This is a sample dashboard of the ArcGIS mapping data. It's a great way to see quickly where the pumps are and how they are operating. A mobile app is available as well that provides the same information for us and our partners.

[To protect privacy, pin locations on the map are not exact.]

Family Updates

We had a recent getaway to Michigan, something we both very much needed. We were able to do some favorite things and try new things, and at the end of the trip, we were able to see some of our kids. We love serving at McCoy church here in Elkhart, and are very glad that many activities have resumed, such as the Pathfinders Monday Night Bible study (college and career age) and Wednesday Word of Life programs. Please pray for strength as we minister deeply at SonSet Solutions and at McCoy and for our children as they grow and serve where they are planted right now.

  • Elizabeth and Pete seem to enjoy life as Hoosiers. They made this move with a newborn Abel. Peter commutes longer now, but they all have enjoyed the extra space and yard. Baby Abel is growing by leaps and bounds, and all three are as cute as they can be.
  • Kudos to JR, who was also named Lee Richardson Zoo's (LRZ) Employee of the Quarter recently. He has been busy with the grand opening of the new lemur house at the LRZ, which was September 15. 
  • David continues to enjoy his work with MarkNet Alliance in central Illinois and is blessed to be able to work from home a couple days a week. He is beginning to assist with the livestreaming of church services at his church as well.
  • Anina and Tyler are enjoying reverse roles, and Tyler is now the student. He is studying Integrated New Media with a music concentration and working part time. Anina works 12-hour shifts at Elkhart General and currently there are more COVID-19 cases than the COVID unit can hold.
  • John's mom had gall bladder surgery on October 5. Please continue to pray for her recovery that she may gain the relief she needs from some abdominal pain.
  • John's Aunt Penny has relocated to Elkhart. Please pray for her as she transitions, and that we would be effective witnesses, as she does not know the Lord.
Grandbats. They seem pretty pleased by it, and we enjoy their smiles so much.
JR as Employee of the Quarter at Lee Richardson Zoo.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Back to Normalcy?

Ministry: Returning to Normalcy

After COVID-19 closed things down in March, we've been able to join churches virtually. However, this month, we were able join a church in person (we were live-streamed to the congregation). So, we're moving closer to where churches are feeling more comfortable having us visit! We praise the Lord for:

· A week of presentations at Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference where Dr. Erwin Lutzer was the primary speaker, and SonSet Solutions was the featured missionary presenter. This is the first summer SonSet Solutions has been a mission focus at Maranatha, and we are excited to see how God will use this opportunity! 
· His protection over all of us serving at SonSet Solutions as we travel.
· Staff and spouses who processed many SonSet® radios to meet shipping deadlines. 
· Volunteers returning slowly back to the office. ​​​
· A high school intern, serving during this upcoming school year.


Pictured: we were able to share about our SonSetLink™ water monitors and the Coolest Thing in Elkhart County Contest.

We were so happy to join Hillcrest United Methodist Church in Elkhart this month! We were able to share about SonSet Solutions and the solutions we're able to provide to many parts of the world.


Family Updates

This month brought news of expressway exit closures, tornadoes, looting and riots in the Midwest. The Lord has spared our family of any harm or illness thus far, and we are thankful for His protection as our family all navigate these situations. 

· The Turners are doing well with their little family. With a new home and new baby, there have been a lot of adjustments these past few weeks.

· JR has a new area of the Lee Richardson Zoo -- the grand opening of the lemur house is scheduled for September 15. 
· David continues to do well in Taylorville, and enjoys his job and church.  He has been able to visit a couple times this summer.
 Anina and Tyler are enjoying the last bit of summer before Tyler continues his education at Indiana University South Bend online. Tyler gave Anina a big surprise party this month to celebrate her birthday and graduation.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Summer 2020

We've been busy in 2020!
SonSetLink™ monitors, SonSet® radios, transmitters, antennas, and Solar Media Centers -- engineered and manufactured at SonSet Solutions, and shipped around the world to partners dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our teammates are currently preparing 1,200 SonSet radios for shipment to a radio ministry in Africa. Donations to SonSet Solutions, even during the pandemic shutdown, have funded these radios.

 We learned recently that, in spite of the coronavirus shutdowns worldwide, we assisted almost exactly the same number of ministries in the first half of 2020 as we did in the first half of 2019! This is remarkable, and a clear indication of the Lord's grace and sovereign hand in ministry – ours and our partners around the world.

​Soli Deo gloria!

Thank you as well, dear brothers and sisters, for your faithful steadfastness in supporting this vital ministry. Our work to help share the gospel world-wide would not be possible otherwise, and you've demonstrated this in some wonderful and amazing ways in 2020.

High-Caliber Interns
This summer, three interns joined us.Erin Trantham, studying electrical engineering at LeTourneau University; Grant Mathias, studying physics at Grove City College; Nathan Wilson, studying computer engineering at Liberty University.

Each of these interns has worked hard and served well in their time here. SonSet Solutions is a great place to intern for the Christian technical student with a heart for ministry and missions.

The application window for summer 2021 internships opens in September 2020. If you know of anyone that may be interested, let them know! More information is available at

Family News
  • Abel is nearly two months old. The Turners are enjoying their new home and the nice back backyard.
  • JR continues at the Lee Richardson Zoo, and this week began work on the the brand new lemur house. It will be debuted in September.
  • David is doing well in Taylorville, IL. His job and church activities and service keep him busy.
  • Anina and Tyler are settling in. Anina will complete her preceptorship this week at Elkhart General. Tyler will be resuming his college studies this fall.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Creativity from the Creator
The SonSetLink™ water monitor is one of several cool things engineered at SonSet Solutions for advancement of the Gospel.

As Christian ministry workers we recognize that our creativity comes directly from an infinitely creative God, who painted His creation with a remarkable brush, forming a breathtaking universe.

Believers everywhere can reflect his creativity with our own tiny subset, which we can bake into our work, no matter what it is!

Ministry: Creativity for the Kingdom
The SonSetLink™ water monitor was voted “Coolest Thing Made in Elkhart County” this week. We are grateful and appreciative for the award as well as the exposure gained for SonSet Solutions. Please pray that God will use this to expand what He is already doing using SonSet Solutions. We are excited to be a part of this innovative ministry.

John is primarily back to the office as are most of our coworkers. Jean usually works remotely and goes into the office when needed. We are grateful for our three summer interns as well.
Local broadcasters came out to cover the award presentation; we know of at least three stations that reported the event.
We praise the Lord for being able to not only share about SonSetLink™ water monitors, but also share about what SonSet Solutions does.
Family News
  • Abel James Turner arrived June 8, 2020. We are all grateful that things went smoothly with the delivery and birth. The older kids adore him. Eleanor says that he is "the best baby in town." Jean enjoyed time with the grandkids during this time.
  • JR is mostly back to his regular areas at the Lee Richardson Zoo, but will soon be the zookeeper working with the brand new lemur house.
  • David continues to do well working with MarkNet Alliance and is glad that his church is meeting together in-person again.
  • Anina and Tyler bought a house in Elkhart and are settling in. Anina began her orientation at Elkhart General on June 15 and was on the floor a week later.