Saturday, April 9, 2022

Our Two Apprentices are Here!

Praise God! Two Apprentices Just Joined Us
Bryan Jackson and Erick Johnson interned with us last summer and joined us in March as apprentices! Erick is serving in the Community Development Team as a software developer, and Bryan across SonSet Solutions in some key operational roles.​​ We've needed young people with these kinds of skillsets for some time, and are trusting the Lord for more! We also have the pleasure of hosting Erick as he serves here.

A Great 2022 Spiritual Retreat!

Our spiritual retreat was held at the end of March. We praise the Lord that we were able to take a day of spiritual refreshment focusing on our theme of “Investing for Eternity.” Pastor Phil Jerome from Prairieview Missionary Church was our guest speakerWe were also able to spend time in praise and worship led by Cody Collier from WFRN.

The challenge was good, and the fellowship was sweet. John is on the spiritual enrichment committee who planned this annual event. Many thanks to them! They also led us through some fun activities including a trivia game, logo knowledge quiz, and even a team, paper-airplane contest (Jean's design won!)

Delaware Bible Church (Ohio) Missions Conference

We were really pleased to be invited to participate in Delaware Bible Church's annual missions conference. We were able to share during one of the services, participate in a life group, have a part of the kids' program during the conference, and be able to sit on a panel during one of the sessions. Praise to God and thanks to Delaware for having us there! The fellowship was great, our hosts were great, and the church has the most willing children who volunteer easily.


  1. Our two apprentices Erick and Bryan began service this past month. We praise the Lord that they have reached 100% of their financial support.
  2. We praise the Lord for a good and busy time spent at Delaware Bible Church at the end of March.


  1. Please pray for two appointees who continue to build their support team.
  2. Ask the Lord for the ministry workers we need to fill key roles. "The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few...."
  3. As COVID-19 continues to fade, please ask the Lord to open many doors wide going forward for worldwide ministry.