Slowly by slowly, they have left us...young adults living at our home. In less than a year, four young adults moved out. It all started April 2018 when David Palmer moved out (having lived a significant amount of time here) into his own place here in Elkhart.
July was when Anina married Tyler and became Mrs. Mounsithiraj...but that meant she moved out, too. Fortunately, she is relatively close as she is still in nursing school at Bethel.
Fall brought a job opportunity to David, and he moved to Taylorville, Illinois for a full-time job in his field. Four and a half hours away, David works at MarkNet Alliance, a technical company that has found a niche to serve auction companies. He is doing well, working well with the other programmers and has been called "Super Dave".
So far, each time one moved away, they have moved farther than the last one that moved out. Not to be outdone, JR moved 1000 miles away (at least 14 hours drive) to Garden City, Kansas. This was the second weekend in March. John's first day at the Lee Richardson Zoo was Monday, March 11, and he is the animal keeper for the ambassador and quarantine animals.
The ambassador animals are reserved for interaction with the public and includes the herpetological animals that JR loves. The quarantine animals are not the sick ones but the new animals that need a period of quarantine when they arrive. He is able to share an apartment with a friend who is also an animal keeper at the zoo.
While on that moving trip, we were asked to host our first 2019 SonSet Solutions summer intern. We spent our six empty nesting days getting a room ready for hosting. I guess we'll have to wait until June to see what empty nesting is all about!