Ten years:
John spent January with 2019 year-end tasks, and deployment and modification of new shipping system software designed and written last year. He has been able to accomplish much in the last 18 months, things only possible since serving full time.
Jean works at SonSet two days a week on average. While her primary role is in the IT department (some basic website updates and graphics, file sorting, photo tagging, etc.), she has expanded to working wherever she can and is part of the team that prepares documents like this one – https://conta.cc/30auB2K. The SonSet Solutions eNews has interesting stories each month, but the February edition is one that has a couple of truly unique, one-of-a-kind ministries we think you may have never heard of! Read it and let us know what you find!
Hosting spring break students and summer interns is upon us soon. Spring break students will be with us for two weeks in early March. Summer interns usually spend 10-12 weeks over the summer. Please pray for these students as they serve. We are also very excited that two of our supporting churches are coming alongside us in a deeper way by electing to raise funds for SonSet® radios.
While serving in primarily "back pew" roles in missions, we are very intentional about seeking ways to share the gospel (front pew!) and helping others share the gospel locally. Young-adult ministry at McCoy Baptist, Lifeline after-school programs, Vacation Bible School, Church Community Services are some of the ministries we are involved in. Pray for us as there is a lot of relationships and teaching involved.
Five Years:
Technology and partnership is what we do at SonSet Solutions. Together, along with our partner ministries, we provide many platforms for delivering God’s word. This year we celebrate five years as SonSet Solutions. We have assisted 664 partners in 100 countries during this time.
We look forward to more years of serving the Lord and realize that our support team have been with us for around ten years now. Thank you for your part in getting technology for abundant life (physical and spiritual abundance) out.