Merry Christmas!
Love from John and Jean
Merry Christmas!
Love from John and Jean
Two of our teammates returned recently from Kenya, and it has been an awesome trip where God's Word has been going out!!! The above photo is amazing! It shows folks being discipled and trained as part of The Timothy Initiative with Pokot Outreach Ministries. One of the things shared about this trip was the need for audio Bibles. The region does not yet have a radio station, so prior to this trip, our teammates prepared to bring in audio Bibles. When they arrived in northern Kenya, they discovered that no one else had distributed audio Bibles since they were brought in 2017 and 2018 by SonSet Solutions. Those radios are still being used and are in such demand that the local pastors set up a schedule for people and families to check them out and use them and then return them so others can use them. What a hunger and thirst for God's word. We praise the Lord!
Our work at SonSet has been busy always but even busier since April of this year. We'd love to show you photos of us at work, but we think you can imagine it – Jean processing and receipting donations, editing photos, sorting photos, etc... all done sitting behind a computer. John's photos would like the same...sitting behind the computer –though he does have plenty of meetings, too!
However, we'll share a collage: we were so glad to be able to see and meet up with many of you! It was such a blessing to share some time and pray together! We missed a couple families because of COVID-19, and we hope to catch up with them when they are well along with many others that couldn't meet up in October. Thank you all for your prayers and gifts!
1. God continues to provide. Praise the Lord for current and new prayer and financial partners. Living on support from you all, we are constantly amazed at how God provides and sometimes without asking! Thank you!
2. We were able to meet with several of our support team in October. It was wonderful to catch up with you all.
Please pray:
1. We continue to need workers here at SonSet Solutions. We are thankful for our new apprentices, but really could use seasoned workers as well. Please pray for these positions!
2. David and Dominique's wedding is coming up quickly. Please pray that things will continue to go smoothly.
3. We would love to go overseas. Please pray for a trip where we could be used.
One of our partners, Radio Lumiere suffered damage to two of its sites. Please pray for the Haitian station engineer, Peniel, as he navigates travel within Haiti to check on the different sites and as they plan for repair. When Peniel found the studio usable but damaged in Cayes, aftershocks were still being felt, and the staff refused to go inside. Peniel helped to build a temporary tent in front of the studio so they could operate the broadcasts that provide hope and light. [See above photo.] God's word is going out! You can read the entire story on our website:
Radio Lumiere in Haiti has specifically asked us to help them at this time with funding for radio equipment that they need as a result of the earthquake. They are also asking us for SonSet®radios because many of their listeners no longer have electricity available for listening to the radio. The funding need to fulfill these two requests is $22,700, which includes 320 SonSet radios. Fund for this purpose should be designated for the "Emergency Relief" fund.
1. Give by check: make check payable to SonSet Solutions, include “Emergency Relief” in the memo line or in a note.
2. Online: go to
Radio Lumiere provides light and hope through Jesus Christ and is much needed in the aftermath of the recent earthquake and tropical storm. Please join us in continued prayer.
We are always glad to see some of our volunteers come and serve. This month, Vance Persons was able to volunteer and serve for a week with our Power Team.
1. We praise the Lord for new prayer and financial partners. We shouldn't be surprised, and yet we ARE amazed at the way God provides through His people. We have not mentioned any needs, and yet God has provided each time our support has gone down. God is moving you all, and we are grateful.
2. We thank the Lord that another one of our summer interns has applied and been accepted as an apprentice at SonSet Solutions. Please pray for Bryan Jackson as begins his partnership development by attending Support Raising Solutions Bootcamp this month.
Please pray:
1. We still need workers here at SonSet Solutions. We are thankful for our new apprentices, but really could use seasoned workers as well. Please pray for these positions!
2. John will be one of the speakers at McCoy Memorial Baptist Church's Missions Conference this October. He will be speaking during the morning service as well as the Sunday school hour. Please pray as he seeks the Lord's direction as he prepares.
3. We have hoped to see some of you all soon, this fall. Please pray for details of this to work out with the additional jobs we've undertaken. We are praying for week in October to see some of our Illinois area supporters.
Dr. Dan Kletzing, a local physician, carried in SonSet® radios and was part of a distribution team to deliver God's Word to Belize. Upon entry into Belize, the team headed to the villages northwest of Orange Walk. The two villages, the Douglas and San Roman, are less than two miles from the Mexican border. Pictured above is a recipient of this distribution.
God's Word goes out with each ministry we partner with. Our partners use technology as an inroad to share the gospel. During the first half of 2021, SonSet Solutions assisted 79 ministries in 35 countries via equipment, service, consultation, training, and partnership development.There are exciting ways that God's Word goes out. One obvious way is through our SonSet®radios. The photo above shows some ladies in Uganda who are charging their radios by hanging them on the tree bark. They hear the gospel through our partner, Usalama FM. Recently, our president, David Russell, shared that a sheik in a West African nation “collected the solar radios for distribution to the imams and their members in the town. Muslims are listening to the gospel every morning, afternoon and night.” Praise the Lord! This week 2,000 radios are being shipped to five locations! Please pray for those who will receive a radio and will hear the gospel! Using our technology with the SonSetLink™ water monitor, trips are planned where the team, sometimes including SonSet Solutions staff, will upgrade water pumps and/or install a SonSetLink water monitor. Trips like this can be grueling; the most recent trip of this sort included over 100 villages, where the gospel was shared at each location! In addition, the SonSetLink helps to increase the reliability of the water supply, which continues to build relationships in the villages which lead to sharing the gospel.