Thursday, January 7, 2021

God's Work Continues

As a whole, God's work through SonSet Solutions went on pretty much unabated in 2020. It looked a little different than previously, but God provided creative solutions, and we praise Him for this. During the first three quarters of 2020, SonSet Solutions assisted 139 ministries in 55 countries via equipment, service, consultation, training, and partnership development.​ Thank YOU for your HUGE part in making this possible. Please pray for all our teams in SonSet Solutions as we continue to provide solutions for partner ministries.

John continues on in his roles as a software developer, chaplain and I.T. 

  • Software development: John writes much of the internal software for the mission related to accounting, donations, shipping, activity, manufacturing and inventory. John also writes software to program the SonSet® solar-powered radios, and is involved in database development with the SonSetLink™ water monitor technology. The activity software he wrote tracks all ministry productivity and is how we know COVID-19 did not hinder our work.
  • Mission chaplain: John ministers to spiritual needs of ministry workers, plans and leads worship services, and prepares the content for our daily devotion times.
  • I.T. duties: John assists the I.T. Administrator in hardware and network infrastructure and upgrades, fixing problems, and handling support desk requests.
Jean has part-time duties that fills her two days of work with SonSet Solutions.​
  • I.T. tasksJean assists the I.T. Manager with updates to website, photo file sorting and editing. A big task accomplished is our new website. Take a look –
  • Fund development: Jean assists with event planning (such as our informational SnapShot events) to raise awareness of SonSet Solutions.
  • Communications: Jean prepares weekly updates, assists with literature preparation, creates and edits photos and graphics for literature and social media.
  • Donation Services: Jean works as a back up for our primary worker to process and receipt donations.

God is gracious to us, and we are blessed many times over.

Please continue to pray that we stay close to the Lord.