There are exciting ways that God's Word goes out. One obvious way is through our SonSet®radios. The photo above shows some ladies in Uganda who are charging their radios by hanging them on the tree bark. They hear the gospel through our partner, Usalama FM. Recently, our president, David Russell, shared that a sheik in a West African nation “collected the solar radios for distribution to the imams and their members in the town. Muslims are listening to the gospel every morning, afternoon and night.” Praise the Lord! This week 2,000 radios are being shipped to five locations! Please pray for those who will receive a radio and will hear the gospel! Using our technology with the SonSetLink™ water monitor, trips are planned where the team, sometimes including SonSet Solutions staff, will upgrade water pumps and/or install a SonSetLink water monitor. Trips like this can be grueling; the most recent trip of this sort included over 100 villages, where the gospel was shared at each location! In addition, the SonSetLink helps to increase the reliability of the water supply, which continues to build relationships in the villages which lead to sharing the gospel.
Praises: Our annual staff retreat, Advance 2021, was last week; it was a blessing! We are grateful that we have been able to join several churches in 2021 to share our ministry including invitations for John to preach. We've enjoyed the fellowship and community greatly. In the photo, we are putting together a Solar Media Center to show. We've been able to demonstrate it twice already.
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| Please pray:
- We prepare to join two more churches end of April and mid-May.
- We have team members at SonSet Solutions who are retiring. Please pray for new workers to fill critical roles.
- Please pray for Emmanuel Christian Reformed Church, who launched a fundraiser for a Solar Media Center for a pastor in Uganda.
- We were able to help a local ministry, Ribbon of Hope, who ministers to cancer patients, by delivering an Easter basket. Please pray for these that we have visited and for our desire to work with people directly.
The family is doing well. Elizabeth, Pete and kiddos are enjoying their new home and ministering at Lansing Bible Church. JR was recently featured in a video about lemurs (he is the Lemur/Ambassador Animal Keeper). David just got a good raise at MarkNet Alliance and has become a member at his church in Taylorville. Tyler and Anina are now owners of a Mini Paceman.
John's parents are getting better. Just after Chinese New Year, Mom got her feeding tube out. John's dad had a knee replacement. The pain in his new knee is more than expected but he is up and about. Aunt Penny is doing well, and we enjoy her close by.
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