Thursday, November 21, 2024

Something Tangible



“The constant tenor and spirit of our lives should be adoring gratitude, love, reverence, and thanksgiving to the Most High.” – C.H. Spurgeon


From Tanzania - "Something Tangible"


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). But what does this testimony look like? In what practical ways can the gospel be proclaimed?

Unreached People’s Mission (UPM) in Tanzania, founded by Pastor Williams Yindi on this very verse, offers a vivid example. From church planting to education to water pumps, UPM is committed to preaching the gospel in deeds, not just words.

SonSet Solutions has had the opportunity to build a partnership with UPM through a couple of different trips to Tanzania, one of which was to help install solar ministry toolkits at four of their remote bush churches.

The complete story is on our website: Something Tangible - SonSet Solutions


Our October west coast trip

​Thank you for your prayers! Our trip went well  even though we flew a little too cheaply (a lesson from discomfort.) We are grateful for this trip that allowed us to share at three churches and see many supporters as well as family and friends. Views of God's creation couldn't have been more beautiful, as we saw Crater Lake and Cannon Beach on this trip.

We appreciate spending time with you all! We were blessed with the fellowship; it was such a rich time and a balm to our souls, truly. We were able to share many things including stories of how God works around the world: opportunities to share the gospel, created through technology that provides also for real-world problems.​ We failed to get photos of all those we met with – we were too involved in conversation!

Gratefulness is the word of the month – and we are so thankful for all of you who read this prayer letter and pray for us.

  • We're grateful for 14 years of service, and again, deeply thankful for all who pray for and partner with us.
  • A major workplace renovation is complete at the mission. John will soon move to a very much needed office, and Jean as well.
 Prayer Requests
  • Late October we were able to represent SonSet Solutions at a career fair at our alma mater, Wheaton College. Please pray for continued interest with those whom we've had a conversation.
  • Please ask the Lord to grace us with strength, health, and provision for ongoing ministry. and

Friday, October 4, 2024

Renewable Energy


October 2024

“Union with the vine creates and cultivates growth that gives joy.”

– Tyler Holder (from our SonSet Solutions retreat)


Renewable Energy Provides Practical Hope
Two solar engineering consultants from SonSet Solutions embarked on a journey to Liberia this past summer to install a solar-power array. This has become a reliable source of energy which has enabled our partner to conduct a wide range of activities, including computer-based learning, tutoring, sewing classes, musical choir rehearsals, and community devotions and Bible studies.


SonSet Solutions Retreat 


We got away for a day or so at Quaker Haven camp, located about an hour away from Elkhart. Our speaker challenged us from John chapter 15 in three sessions regarding joy, and we are reminded of the joy that comes from abiding in the Vine and obedience.

Verse 8 says: "This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

We are grateful for the planning done by our Member Care Team, of which John is a part and pray for the fruit that gives God the glory.
 Praises and Prayer Requests
  • We are headed out to the west coast! The details of the trip have fallen together well. Please pray for conversations we will be having and that we would represent SonSet Solutions well.​
  • ​Please pray for a team currently in Sierra Leone to install an antenna and Solar Ministry Toolkit.

  • This fall we have many of our staff visiting college and university career fairs. Please pray for divine appointments with students and faculty.
  • Our church, McCoy Memorial Baptist continues well with the transition. Please pray for the next steps of the pastoral search process.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ministering in ways unexpected!


“You can do something other than working with God on his purpose, but it will be something lesser, and you couldn’t come up with something better.”

– Steve Hawthorne


How do we minister to the Chinese?
It has been always on Jean's mind, since becoming a believer, of how to minister to her parents as well as to the Chinese. It amazes us that a SonSet Solutions partner ministers to Mandarin-speaking Chinese people directly, and they aren't even in an Asian country!

Please click on the link below to read about how this happens and how SonSet® radios help!


Solar Ministry Toolkit in Uganda

The following is a wonderful testimony regarding one of the first Solar Media Toolkits that SonSet Solutions has installed. This is adapted from an email from Pastor Ronald in Iganga, Uganda:

"Greetings from family, God blessed us with a baby girl (Janelle), she is two months now. I'm happy to hear the extension of equipment/ technology to other countries.

The system has got good, long-lasting speakers, and we are using this technology to pray and preach to community members every morning, and the result of answered prayers is great. We have created a team of younger ministers who move around the community to do service. They report many stories of healing, profession of faith are testimonials from this church morning broadcast program through this technology.

The hot spot is helping us to connect and watch videos for those who have smart phones. Youth no longer go to cinemas to pay to watch evil videos but now watch free Christian videos which is transforming their lives and mindset.

The solar-powered light has contributed much to lower the electricity bills of the church. It gives light 24/7 in and outside the church, hence improving the security around the church premises for the community.  Because of consistent power schedules and shutdowns, I always see community children sitting at church office veranda at night, and it has come to my notice that they do come to use the light in order revise and do their school homework.

What a blessing to us to have this equipment in place, it has created a bond between the church and the community. Now, the church belongs to the community as well as the community belongs to the church. People have free access to the church.

Pray with my church as make decision to add on a big speaker to reach more people in the community or having a radio broadcast program because there is open door for effective ministry and preaching of sound doctrine. Pray also for more opportunities to other churches in Uganda to get this equipment.

Pastor Ronald, Liberty Transformation church, Iganga Uganda."


  • We praise the Lord for at least one who committed their life to Jesus Christ at Checkpoint Bible Camp.
  • Jean had her one-year check post radiation. Her mammogram has had no changes, and bloodwork looks good. We are thankful for the technology, and also to the Lord for His hand on this.
Prayer Requests
  • This is a busy season of life and ministry for us, especially this year. Please ask the Lord to give us continued strength, health, and joy as we serve.
  • Please ask the Lord to give us His direction, clear paths, in some matters in the coming year and beyond.