Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Trying on our own to keep it together

We were given a gift to the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells, Wis. It is a nice getaway when the winter seems long. We were in the Wild Waterdome, where you can get a tan in the winter, and enjoy the giant wave pool. The kids (Schnoors and Andersons) decided that they would all get into tubes in the wave pool and try to stay connected during the duration of the waves.
It was a good thought – except one of them wasn't quite ready when the waves started and wasn't in a tube. Then, as the waves got rockier, the group got disconnected and started floating apart. They swam back together, trying to reconnect; sometimes it worked and sometimes it did not. With the water, it was slippery to hold onto another person's tube. Also, the waves were unpredictable. This was a big factor. At the end of that wave session, despite the difficulty in keeping together, they had a good time.

My thoughts as it pertains to life:

As we are tossed about in life, we need to try to be prepared for as much as we can. At times, we need to try to hold on tighter, even though it is against all odds. Sometimes, however, it is wiser to let go and to try again. Then as the experience continues to unfold, will you be content with how things have turned out?

All I can say is that, if you hold onto God, He is the factor that will hold things together when it seems that you are slipping and losing grip. He will be the one to carry you through and make the connection when you are separated and lost. He will be the one to provide contentment when the results seem impossible to be content with.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8.

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