Sunday, June 2, 2024

Power Solutions


“Doing the work of God is dangerous. Not doing it is more dangerous.”

– Sabina Wurmbrand


Farakoren, Kenya - Solar Ministry Toolkit
Our partner, Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) shared this on Facebook: “This Solar Ministry Tool Kit was recently installed in Farakoren, Northern Kenya through your prayers and support, and thanks to Gospel Partners The Tirrim Trust, SonSet Solutions, Theovision International Kenya, and Africa Inland Mission (USA). Will you pray, as Pastor David shared, that this toolkit will amplify the reach of the gospel in their region so more people can hear the Word of God for themselves?”

ASM also posted a very good video – here's a link to the video:


Radio Shalom - solar energy system

Mamoud (red shirt) from Radio Shalom in Sierra Leone is meeting with community leaders in the city of Mongo where the radio station has a repeater. We are working with Mamoud to install a solar energy system that will power their studio building in the city of Kabala.

Please ask the Lord to give us wisdom in our analyses to best serve the needs of Radio Shalom, as they seek to broadcast the gospel in areas that are mostly Muslim.



Family Update
JR was able to come back into the area, and we were able to get together in May to a favorite place: Starved Rock and the Chicago Cubs!


  • Praise! Our appointee, Bryan Jackson, reached 100% shortly after we sent out our last update and is serving full time with us!
  • Four of six interns have been serving the past two weeks. Soon all six interns will be here to serve for the summer.
Prayer Requests
  • Continue to pray for Mounsithiraj family and us with the homegoing of Tyler's father.
  • Ask the Lord for safe travel for John's Uncle Jim and Aunt Dena who will be visiting in June.

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