Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Unreached Peoples


July 2024

 “The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history” – Andrew Murray


Williams Yindi: Unreached Peoples Mission (Tanzania)
At the end of June, we were blessed by a visit from Williams Yindi, who founded Unreached Peoples Mission (UPM). Williams is responsible for the planting of over 275 rural churches across a country that is twice the size of California.  Williams declared that his vision for UPM is to take the Good News to every tribe in Tanzania, specifically in the bush areas where many missionaries do not go. He has aspirations of getting many more Solar Media Centers for other rural churches he has already planted, many of which face the same obstacles to their ministry as these four churches.

​Founded in 1991, UPM is planting churches among rural tribal groups in Tanzania. They support 154 full-time missionaries and train many more in their six-month Discipleship Mission Training School. UPM also reaches out to the unsaved poor by offering instruction in eight different vocational skills that can be used to provide for their needy families.


Summer Interns are Departing
One of our interns has already completed his internship, and two more will be finished this week. We've enjoyed getting to know each of them this summer.

Jean had the opportunity to be a mentor this summer. Livia Throckmorton will be returning to Olivet Nazarene in Bourbonnais, Illinois in the fall to complete her senior year in computer science. 

Please pray for her and all of our interns as complete their projects and as they seek the Lord for direction and grow more passionate about God's global commission.


  • We celebrated 38 years of marriage at the end of June at Silver Lake in Michigan.
  • During the first half of 2024, SonSet Solutions assisted 66 ministries in 36 countries via equipment, service, consultation, training, and partnership development.
Prayer Requests
  • Jean will be serving at Checkpoint Bible Camp again as one of the camp nurses. She'll be there July 28th to August 2nd. Please pray for the campers attending.
  • Remodel of the west end will last six to eight weeks. Please pray for our staff as we've had to combine offices and work in tighter quarters.

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